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September 05, 2013, Madrid, Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Lighting

ADILUX earns a special mention at TRAFIC 2013

October 01, 2011, Valladolid, Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Hydraulic Infrastructure

SICE to continue with the operation, maintenance and conservation of Camporredondo and Compuerto dams (Palencia) for the Duero Water Authority

May 03, 2011, Málaga, Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting

SICE awarded LEDs contract at Portada Alta in Malaga

April 29, 2011, Zaragoza, Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Hydrology and Water Resources

SICE awarded an emergency contract by the Ebro Water Authority

March 25, 2011, Alcobendas. Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting

ADILUX presented at 11th ITS Conference in Barcelona

March 25, 2011, Alcobendas. Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting

SAECA, GUIADE and TURTLE projects present at ITS Barcelona 2011

March 15, 2011, Madrid, Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Hydrology and Water Resources

The Tagus Water Authority has awarded to SICE its contract for the supply of multiparametric sensors for continuous water-quality monitoring