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May 17, 2022, España | Smart Cities

SICE joins the STEAM Alliance for female talent

May 10, 2022, Benidorm, Alicante | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Lighting, Smart Cities, Smart Efficiency

SICE carries out the renovation of Benidorm's public lighting in order to improve energy efficiency in the city

March 12, 2022, Linares, Jaén | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting, Smart Cities, Smart Efficiency

29 neighborhoods in Linares have new streetlights to illuminate their streets

September 16, 2021, Auckland, New Zealand | Intelligent Transport Systems, Buses, Light Rail, Metros and Railways

SICE awarded its first Rail project in the ANZ region

July 19, 2021, Sidney, Australia | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Integrated Tunnel Management

SICE extends their long-term commitments to transforming Sydney’s road network with a new major project with the NSW Government

June 18, 2021, Linares, Jaén | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Lighting, Smart Cities, Smart Efficiency

Linares awards SICE the renewal of all the city's lighting fixtures

June 10, 2021, Madrid, Spain | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Toll Systems

SICE implements the new access control system at Mercamadrid's Food Unit in Madrid (Spain)

June 03, 2021, Lugo (Galicia) | Integrated Tunnel Management

The Cereixal tunnel: the first smart tunnel connected to vehicles

April 19, 2021, Houston, Texas, USA | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Toll Systems

SICE will perform the renovation of the Free-Flow toll systems on Toll 49 in Tyler (Texas)

February 18, 2021, Windsor(Canada), Detroit (USA) | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Interurban Traffic, Toll Systems

SICE consolidates its presence in North America with a new ITS project in Canada and USA