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November 21, 2011, Madrid, Spain | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Urban Traffic

Workshop of European HNPS project at Madrid Regional Transport Consortium (CRTM) facilities

November 04, 2011, Lima, Peru | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Urban Traffic

New traffic control centre installed by SICE opens in Lima (Peru)

October 18, 2011, Málaga, Spain | Intelligent Transport Systems, Buses, Light Rail, Metros and Railways, Sale and Validation of Transport Tickets

Adif and SICE Tecnología y Sistemas reach partnership agreement to develop RDI activities

October 04, 2011, Sevilla. Spain | Intelligent Transport Systems, Buses, Light Rail, Metros and Railways

TUSSAM awards to SICE the supply, installation and maintenance of an automatic management system for Prado de San Sebastián bus station

October 01, 2011, Valladolid, Spain | Environment and Energy Efficiency, Hydraulic Infrastructure

SICE to continue with the operation, maintenance and conservation of Camporredondo and Compuerto dams (Palencia) for the Duero Water Authority

September 26, 2011, Cajamarca, Peru | Security Systems

SICE wins CAJAMARCA project in Peru

September 22, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand | Intelligent Traffic and Tunnel Systems, Integrated Tunnel Management

SICE has been awarded with the M&E works for the Waterview Tunnel in New Zealand, followed by a 10 year maintenance contract